This is a session presented at the above conference with the purpose of introducing attendees to the collaboration that we have underway over the creation of a new Centre of Excellence in STEM, partnership between Midlothian Council and the University of Edinburgh. The Centre will host the replacement for Beeslack Community High School in Penicuik.
Discussion Points…
1 Which of the examples you’ve seen from other countries do you find inspiring for your own learning spaces?
2 Tell us about inspiring ideas you’ve seen in Scotland!
3 What does the term Agile Learning Space mean to you?
4 How can space for Creativity and Innovation be created in learning spaces?
5 What does community engagement mean when building a new school?
6 We can’t always build new! How do we inspire in existing learning spaces?
7 How do we prepare staff for transition from existing to new builds?
8 How will collaborating internationally help us to develop better learning spaces?
for 6 – we can do a lot to improve spaces by allowing the building users a bit of ownership. It is their space, so good if they can decide how it is configured/used/decorated (even just with posters etc)