Departure at KIA

Departure at KIA

Our journey started on Friday, 14 June at around 4 pm from Namadzi to Lilongwe. We arrived at around 9 pm. We spent the night at Bridgeview Hotel where we all had a peaceful and comfortable sleep and a nice breakfast. Mr Martin Sakala, the former head teacher of Namadzi saw us off at Bridgeview Hotel. Mr Sakala is the one who established the partnership at Namadzi and we constantly communicate with him.


Mr Sakala seeing us off

Mr Sakala seeing us off

We later left Malawi for Scotland through Kamuzu International Airport via Ethiopia and London Heathrow. We were warmly welcomed by Mr Murphy at Edinburg Airport who was anxiously waiting for us after a 2 hour delay at Heathrow.

From the airport we proceeded
to Penicuik where we dropped Innocent at the residence of Mr and Mrs Hall before dropping Wanangwa at the Gorjanc’s residence. Neema and I proceeded with Mr Murphy to his house in Musselburgh. These were our respective homes during our visit to Penicuik.

Our return back home followed the same route.We left Edinburg on Thursday, 25 June for Malawi via London Heathrow and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. We landed at KIA on Thursday, 27 June having missed our connecting flight at Heathrow and making unanticipated stop at Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We finally arrived in Namadzi on Friday, 28 June after spending the Thursday night in Lilongwe the car we were traveling in broke down. Fortunately, the travel agent had a back up. We were all exhausted but very glad to finally be back home. It was a memorable and eventful traveling experience to say the least.