It is sad that we have to say goodbye. However, Wanangwa and I would like to express our gratitude to everyone: the headteacher, members of staff and students . You have been very kind and friendly to all of us during our visit here in Penicuik High . You were very eager and ready to show us the way round the campus and take us to classes for lessons. We did not at any time feel homesick because we were surrounded by beautiful and warmhearted people. Let me also take this opportunity to thank all theĀ teachers from both sides who worked tirelessly to ensure that the reciprocal visits are such a success.
We would like to assure everyone that we have learnt a lot during our visit in Penicuik and this will go a long way to improve the teaching and learning and encouraging all students to work hard in Namadzi.
We would also like to thank, in a special way, a trillion times, the beautiful families that hosted us with amazing kindness and comfort. Thanks to Katya and Zoja for the company and everything. We shall forever cherish the good times we had together.