Teachers at Namadzi have welcomed Respecting Rights in Schools and Mental Health and Wellbeing Initiatives. A good number of teachers expressed interest to develop and implement the two initiatives which are currently being implemented by our partner school, Penicuik High, in Scotland.
The support and interest was shown on the sidelines of receiving 67 school jumpers, netballs, some learning materials on Macbeth, skipping ropes and NIV Bibles Peni High donated to Namadzi.
It was observed that Respecting Rights initiative will increase the awareness of rights and responsibility of children both at school and the community. It is based on the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international code on children’s rights.
It was also observed that the Mental Health and Well Being initiative has potential to develop students holistically. It stands to be the right source of information on a number of issues facing young people in Malawi such as teenage pregnancies and drug and substance use and abuse. The initiative also stands to develop and maintain trust between teachers and students besides providing a solid support system to the students and teachers alike.
It is expected that the two initiatives will start being implemented in the next academic year which starts in September, 2019.
The Respecting Rights initiave is overseen by Lisa Forbes while the Mental Health and Well being initiative is championed by Mrs Morven Murphy.
The two initiatives will also form an interesting forum for dialogue and communication between Namadzi and Penicuik High. At a partnership meeting held in Penicuik, it was observed that constant professional diologue and sharing of resources is crucial to the partnership.