June 11

National Youth Choir of Scotland’s Midlothian Regional Choir

We’re recruiting new members and invite all children from P3 (moving to P4 in September) and above to join us and audition for a spot. We are deeply passionate about children’s singing and aim to expand the number of children receiving high-quality music education across Scotland. We believe in the importance of music for children’s development, and we need your help to spread the word. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the attached flyer with the parents of children in P3 and above and encourage as many as possible to sign up and attend our Midlothian Recruitment Workshop. If you have school socials, Whatsapp groups etc, please feel free to share on there too. I’ve attached it in both PDF and JPEG. This is the link to book a space – Regional Choir Recruitment Workshops – NYCOS

Posted June 11, 2024 by laura in category Uncategorized